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A guide to buying motorcycle insurance

Lady Motorcycle Rider

Whether you’re new to motorcycles or a veteran rider searching for discounts, you likely have questions about motorcycle insurance. Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we address three important topics and provide information all riders—regardless of experience level—should know before buying motorcycle insurance.

Types of motorcycle insurance you may need

As you’ve likely learned through your research, there are a variety of insurance coverage options available. While liability insurance is fairly standard for motorcycle insurance, and is required in most states, optional coverages are available. At Dairyland®, we offer a range of coverage options, including:

  • Liability only
  • Collision
  • Comprehensive
  • Physical damage plus
  • Optional/special equipment
  • Replacement cost
  • Medical expense
  • Guest passenger
  • Underinsured and uninsured protection
  • Roadside assistance

It’s important to note that each state has its own insurance requirements, so make sure to research what’s required where you live before purchasing a motorcycle insurance policy. Florida and New Hampshire are the only states that don’t require motorcycle owners to carry motorcycle liability insurance. But even if your state doesn’t require insurance, we believe it’s in your best interest to purchase a policy to protect yourself and those around you—and potentially save money on damage or injury costs, should you have them.

Motorcycle insurance costs

The cost of motorcycle insurance can vary depending on the coverage options you need and want. Similar to auto insurance, there are many factors to take into account, such as where you live, the type of bike you own, your driving record, and your payment history. Customizing your coverage plan is a good way to help save money on your policy.

There are also several things you can do to find money-saving deals, including:

Motorcycle safety courses

Did you know completing a motorcycle safety course can earn you a discount on your insurance costs? Check out the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) classes offered throughout the country. These courses coach veteran riders on advanced skills and help beginners learn the physical and mental skills they need to safely ride a motorcycle. Visit to find a safety course near you.


In addition to riding courses, insurance companies typically offer discounts for the following:

  • Multi-cycle: For riders who own more than one motorcycle
  • Homeownership: For riders who have homeowners’ insurance for a house, condo, townhouse, mobile home, or modular home
  • Harley Owners Group® (H.O.G.®) or rider group member: For riders who are H.O.G. members or part of a riding group
  • Transfer: For riders who make the switch from another insurance carrier
  • Loyalty: For long-term customers who’ve been with their provider for a long period of time

Think about how your lifestyle could end up saving you money on your policy. And before you make your decision on a motorcycle insurance carrier, compare rates across companies to ensure you get the right coverage at the lowest price for your bike. It’s quick and easy to get a Dairyland quote.

The information you need to insure your motorcycle

So, you’re ready to pull the trigger on motorcycle insurance. While your provider will let you know exactly what information you should have ready, start with:

  • The make, model, and year of your bike
  • The names of the riders you want on the plan
  • Your current coverages and limits, if you’re currently insured
  • Your date of birth and address

Choosing the right insurance is one of the most important decisions you can make as a motorcycle rider—and that begins with knowing where to start. We hope this information helps you throughout the process.

Related links

If you’re ready to request an online motorcycle insurance quote from Dairyland, we’re ready to work with you. Have more questions about motorcycle insurance? Give us a call at 800-334-0090 or check out our FAQs.

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